Friday, July 5, 2013

simple Amish with not simple faith

We had a very special day in Amish community!

their special& conservative outfits

Located in the Arthor, Amish owns their unique culture and the eternal focus on theri purity of faith.
Amish are basically a grouup of Christians who came to America from Switzerland 
to seek religious freedom in 1632.
They determined to live a more strict and simple life, 
denying the influence of wars, materialis and frivolity.

Amish in Arthor was first settled in 1865. There are an average fammily consisting of six children. 
They ususally farm to make a living, growing wheat, oats, clover, and corn.
It wasn't until a few years ago that the land wasn't plentiful anymore,
people had to make a living out of others skills, such as woodmaing,canning, and water repairing.
The simple lifestyle created an unusual atmosphere in the midst of hi-tech and materialistic tendency.

Also, almost all the intricate crafts are seen in this town. 
You can find your fondness in delicate quilt or authentic pottery;
they are now a way Amish people proudly introucing and earning money-
abundant tourism.
 all kinds of quilts!

wooden closet with beautiful pumkin pottery

One of the things that we are greatly surprised is that they insisted 
owning a car(and driving it yourselves) will indicate the inequlity of wealth 
and cause some troubles of people, such as competitive in earning money or 
Therefore, they are not allowed to have a car as a transportation.
Instead, they stick to the traditional way- buggy rides
If they really want to transport by the car, their solution for not drining
it would be hire others to drive for them.

it's amazing to see how the horse runs in the same way car does!

tender horse, steady path
(we did a buggy riding!)

After going through the beauty of  rural lanscape, 
we turn to Rockome Gardens for more information about Amish

(actually, that's where we have our buggy rides!!!)

taken on the buggy,
Susan and Claude were wating for us in front of a cute hut.

a doll in Amish cloth weclomes everyone entry the museum.
very old bible, written in german.
their spiritual assets

as a family-based community,
they treasure the education from home
children will go to their own school together

In fact, the reality that Amish kids wouldn't receive higher education
(since they are meant to do farming and crafting) has made some
of the peole withdraw from this community.

They got to make this decision of following this faith and joining the church 
at the age of late adultlescenthood.

But if choosing not to follow this life at any time, it often means the disruption with your
beloved family- shuuned by your family members and all others. 

the devotion material is put on the top of the stove,
those who cook(and mostly women) can read through the material in 
their brief break during the cooking.
That shows how they stick to this Christian living in the daily basis.

 maybe we think of some rules from their culture as strict and rigid,
but that' relly how the way they survive this community and other communities 
around the world, I think it's very interesting to acknowledge we are different in some ways
but same in the caring for the people and the environment.

Besides that, their forgiveness is truly a vibrant testimony of their living faith.
to see more about the tragic incident

having a great time in Amish town with Susan and Claude!!

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