Thursday, August 8, 2013

20130726 Friday Springfield Fieldtrip

Today, we all wake up like early birds for we will go to salute Lincoln in Springfield! 7:30 A.M. at the front door of School of Social work, an elegant lady, Brenda, is waiting in a van to drive us to Springfield. How lucky we are that so many people are attentive to us and support us! It is a cozy journey, with not so hot cloudy weather, acres of extended green corn fields and music like conversations between Brenda and our lovely instructor, Lindsey, we all fall asleep in the van.

The atmosphere in Springfield is different from Champaign and Urbana. I do not know much about her history, but she gave me a feel that this is a place, which is old, with lots of memories and had nurtured many heroes in America.

Lincoln Museum

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum

We heard that the museums in America are fantastic. Now, we finally understand why people like to visit the museums here. The statues here are made of clay with delicate skin and hair. The museum officers even observed and studied the trees from Lincoln’s hometown and manufactured those to decorate the home where Lincoln grew up and self-learning at night during his childhood.

Lincoln’s Home in His Childhood

It is a pity that we cannot take pictures inside but outside every exhibition region. Fortunately, I have my postcards to tell you the story.

Before you going, you can choose to attend the history detection activity. After you finishing all the questions, you can have a certification.

African American Slavery Postcards: Slavery Auction

Lincoln was from a poor family, but he had passion and empathy. I think many great presidents have similar life experiences but they are not submissive to their environment, and then create their own fate.

I eventually understand why and what race issues, especially talking about the situation African American has in American. It is related to the slavery history.

Lincoln saw the auction of slaves when he was in his youth. This strong and scene carved into his mind. When growing up, facing the issue of interests, we may value self-interests more than others’ interests. Nonetheless, Lincoln remembered and carried out what he thought. Even though he had to give up some of the power he may have (He is a white man).

Lincoln was assassinates after the civil war and his second inauguration because he even wants to advocate African American’s right to vote.

Many people said that Abe Lincoln’s wife Marry finally became insane, yet through social works perspective, which my instructor expressed, Marry lost her three children and husband must cause huge trauma for her, not to mention she had had been under great pressure for she was always in the spotlight. No one wants to have mental health issue.

I do realize what American culture is, and what social work is born and develop American. I used to regard social work’s value as the highest standard and cannot be changed or questioned. However, now, I know it has been nurtured and thrives in American culture. Take one of social work spirit for instance, social work put much emphasis on standing up for and with the oppressed. Nevertheless, in our Taiwanese culture, it is not easy for us to speak up our needs and to fight for our rights, not to mention helping others to advocate for others’ needs and rights. This derives from our culture. Owing to submission and the hierarchy of age and generation, we are fear to the authority and the one with power. Therefore, I am conflict inside which is my training teach me to speak out for the oppressed, but my family educated me not to engage in any social movement for it will put me in trouble.

Social work is born in America and America had the civil war, in which many people died only for their ideal and that is not for the interests of themselves. In my point of view, this is what deserves to receive honor. I can understand that American’s history shapes the culture and what Americans think, and the ensuing affecting what social work value is today.

Hence, I will start to be more sensitive about the applicability of social work spirit in different kinds of culture and even start to doubt the things that I did not doubt before. Social work ethics or spirit is not an undoubtedly doctrine, but a comparative, cultural standard for me (But it is still very vital and still guides me). I think I have been cultivated the cultural competence and the capability to practice social work elastically.

Lincoln’s family: Abraham Lincoln, his wife Marry Lincoln, and his three children

History Detective Certification

Lunch Horseshoe and Pony shoe

If you have never ever eaten Horseshoe, never say that you have been to Springfield! You may start wondering what is Horseshoe? Is the U-shaped magnet to protect the horse hoof? NO! Horseshoe is a open sandwich which has two thick toasted toasts topping with meat or vegetables mixing pile of French fries, with melting cheese dressing on the top! I am used to have French fries with ketchup (fast food restaurants trained our eating habits), but I bet that the French fries is so far the best that I have eaten in America. :D

You may feel curious about the history and the name of the dish. According to an elder server in the restaurant, a man living across the restaurant we are eating originally creates Horseshoe, which is originally only a hamburger and arranged like a horseshoes shape. Later, as American change their appetites, horseshoe start to add French Fries. There are large amount of cheese on it; however, because I cannot understand what the server said entirely, so I did not pick up what cheese stand for.

You can choose different kinds of flavor, such as turkey, hamburger, beef, bacon or even veggie flavor! If you think the portion of Horseshoe is too huge to finish, you can order a pony shoe, which is delicious as well without two pieces of thick toasts. Save your money and your stomach!

The Renovated Illinois House Chamber and State Capital

We also visit the beautiful Renovated Illinois House Chamber and State Capital. Frankly speaking, the guide speaks to fast and it is a quick trip. As a result, I cannot catch her. But you can see the beautiful, luxurious decoration inside the chambers. Obama has been here before.

Incredible Delicious Dissert

In the Afternoon, we are very lucky to have some time and continuous rain push us to find a place to rest. This is a very cute, warm-decorated bakery and it has a very attractive name, Incredible Delicious. Lindsey said that it is a place that she did her bride shower. We do not have bride shower in our culture, so I do not know what it is. However, in our Taiwanese culture, couples will choose marriage cookies, including traditional Taiwanese cookie, which more like pie in America, and Western style cookies, and spread to the relatives and friends to share the happiness of marriage.

We can try some bread with olive oil in the bakery. Lindsey recommends the strawberry cake, which is huge, white with tasty strawberry and cream. I like the dark chocolate cake the most with silky and smooth chocolate and not too sweet. Mmmm~ I have Taiwanese, especially Taipei people mouth and stomach. Like dissert without too much sugar.

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